Ubuntu from source

Florian Diesch diesch at spamfence.net
Thu Sep 24 14:15:03 UTC 2009

Rashkae <ubuntu at tigershaunt.com> writes:

> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> Once again, you're telling me I'm wrong by agreeing with what I said.  
>> Ubuntu is _not_ a commercial distribution, and could (but doesn't) simply 
>> redistribute binary packages, per section 3C, and point users to the source 
>> from which they got _their_ package (ie, the "offer" they received).
>> Sure, it's legalese, but it's really _simple_ legalese and shouldn't be that 
>> hard to understand.
> Again, you miss the point.. Canonical can not simply point to an
> upstream source for the the source and say "here, get the source from
> these guys."  Canonical is obliged to provide the source *themselves.*,
> and so is anyone redistributing a Ubuntu Binary package.

No. If I *non-commercially* redistribute Ubuntu binary packages that *I
got as binaries* I don't need to provide the sources myself. If I do it
commercially or if I compiled them myself from the sources I have to
provide the sources myself.


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