home network through router

Tab Gilbert tabbox at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 15:47:20 UTC 2009

> >
> Assumming Ubuntu Desktop (mine is 9.04)
> If you want simple file sharing between the two systems then right click
> on the folders you want to share and click "Sharing Options..."  This
> will prompt you to install 2 packages.  Enter the admin password and
> restart your session.  Do this on both systems and you should see the
> systems under Places->Network and look for the PC name.
> If you are looking for sftp via ssh then let us know, it to is fairly
> simple.
> If you want to share via nfs, this too can be done fairly easily.
> Thank you for the simple information.  I have been using Giver and did not
realize how easy it was to set up simple file sharing between two
computers.  What I have have wanted to do is set up something like "go to my
pc" but the lack of a static IP address on my DSL connection has always
confused me when I attempt any solution.  This is a nice little baby step of
learning.  Did not mean to change the topic but I wanted to thank you for
also providing some easy to understand instructions.

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