suddenly filling of hd and no access to x

Graham Todd grahamtodd2 at
Tue Sep 22 12:29:46 UTC 2009

On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 07:57:10 +0100
Chris Jones <jonesc at> uttered these words:

> Bear in mind when booted up into the live CD, you are booted into a 
> *different* operating system to the original one you are trying to
> fix, and as such the users and passwords will not be the same. If you
> are trying to get root access (via sudo ?) using the same account and 
> password details as in the original account, that won't work as that 
> user no longer exists (when running the live CD).
> I am not sure what the procedure is to get root access from the live
> cd, but I am sure somewhere here knows, for failing that google
> certainly does.

I'm not at my computer right now so can't check this, but your drives
and partitions should be mountable from the liveCD desktop - and
probably even showing.

Right click on the icon for the drive/partition you want, and look at
Properties.  That should tell you the name of the drive/partition.

From the desktop call up the terminal on the liveCD and just enter:

sudo nautilus /<name of partition>

and you should see nautilus with your partition/drive in root access

Tell us if that works...

Graham Todd
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