problem with wannu and others mobile managers ubuntu 9.04

daniel vie danyvi9ubu at
Tue Sep 22 01:28:41 UTC 2009

hi  i got the  error  starting   wannu    sudo wannu  in the terminal

wannu log :
--------------- System information ----------------
Platform     linux2
Python       2.6.2
Wammu        0.30.1
python-gammu 0.28
Gammu        1.22.1
Bluetooth    PyBluez
locales      es_AR (UTF8)
connection   at
device       /media/disk
Fri 2009/09/11 23:16:40: [Gammu            - 1.22.1 built 17:44:42 Dec 22
2008 using GCC 4.3]
Fri 2009/09/11 23:16:40: [Connection       - "at"]
Fri 2009/09/11 23:16:40: [Connection index - 0]
Fri 2009/09/11 23:16:40: [Model type       - ""]
Fri 2009/09/11 23:16:40: [Device           - "/media/disk"]
Fri 2009/09/11 23:16:40: [Runing on        - Linux, kernel 2.6.28-15-generic
(#49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 18 18:40:08 UTC 2009)]
Fri 2009/09/11 23:16:40: [System error     - open in serial_open, 21, "Es un
Fri 2009/09/11 23:16:40: Init:GSM_TryGetModel failed with error
DEVICEOPENERROR[2]: Error opening device. Unknown/busy or no permissions.
Fri 2009/09/11 23:16:40: Entering GSM_SetIncomingSMS
Fri 2009/09/11 23:16:40: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCall
Fri 2009/09/11 23:16:40: Entering GSM_SetIncomingCB
Fri 2009/09/11 23:16:40: Entering GSM_SetIncomingUSSD

message iin console :

/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/Wammu/ DeprecationWarning: the
md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
  import md5

and phone is not recognised by wannu

more info   it is  a motorola l7 which mounts in usb  ok    in jaunty

also moto4lin see it and reports  phone  pluged   but cannot connect.

neither kmobile tools  can recognize it.
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