Assembly language programming in unix environment

Odd iodine at
Mon Sep 21 14:15:01 UTC 2009

freeburn wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-09-21 at 13:24 +0200, Odd wrote:
>> reeburn wrote:
>>> No i'm just suggesting that u have to do a little hard-work for
>>> findiing
>>> necessary tools and information about ur processor. may be an
>>> assembler
>>> for ur RISC architecture processor. but i do think if u want to
>>> understand the machine in the lowest level, u have to know
>>> microprocessors very well

>> Stop spouting nonsense. If this is what you learn about
>> microprocessors today, your teachers are inept and should
>> be fired.
> what portion of it is nonsense? may be my teachers are dumb and a result
> of their inadequate intelligence , i'm a huge pile of gurbage. but u
> should at-least have the decency to point out the "non-sense" part?

I did in my other mail

> intel is cisc. AMD is RiSC.

No. Do you really think Windows XP would run on both
if one was RISC and the other CISC?

> programming CISC is easier. i know from my
> experience of writing codes for intel processors. i have never
> programmed AMD.

If you've programmed Intel, you have in effect programmed
AMD too. They are the same as regarding the instruction set.

>but in my workplace we usually deal with avr
> micro-controllers, avr family of microprocessors are RISC. and there
> assembly code is kind of ugly compared with intel.
> plz enlighten me. because this is the purpose of this mailing list. if
> any my ideas about microprocessors are wrong please correct me.

I have, repeatedly.

> i'm
> still a student. i just had one microprocessor course, a related lab,
> worked on small projects , some studying out of the book for my own
> interest ,and having a part time job experience in an embedded systems
> company , thats all i got. pls let me know. 
>> You should talk to that guy about your "AMD RISC" vs "Intel CISC"
>> confusion. Perhaps he can set you straight. If not, Google can.
>> Sigh..
> i don't understand ur argument here correctly. if it is over risc/cisc
> than plz explain what it is.

AMD is not RISC. Get it? So stop saying it.


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