Assembly language programming in unix environment

freeburn hossain at
Mon Sep 21 09:22:18 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-09-21 at 13:24 +0200, Odd wrote:
> reeburn wrote:
> > No i'm just suggesting that u have to do a little hard-work for
> findiing
> > necessary tools and information about ur processor. may be an
> assembler
> > for ur RISC architecture processor. but i do think if u want to
> > understand the machine in the lowest level, u have to know
> > microprocessors very well
> Stop spouting nonsense. If this is what you learn about
> microprocessors today, your teachers are inept and should
> be fired.
what portion of it is nonsense? may be my teachers are dumb and a result
of their inadequate intelligence , i'm a huge pile of gurbage. but u
should at-least have the decency to point out the "non-sense" part?
intel is cisc. AMD is RiSC. programming CISC is easier. i know from my
experience of writing codes for intel processors. i have never
programmed AMD.but in my workplace we usually deal with avr
micro-controllers, avr family of microprocessors are RISC. and there
assembly code is kind of ugly compared with intel.

plz enlighten me. because this is the purpose of this mailing list. if
any my ideas about microprocessors are wrong please correct me. i'm
still a student. i just had one microprocessor course, a related lab,
worked on small projects , some studying out of the book for my own
interest ,and having a part time job experience in an embedded systems
company , thats all i got. pls let me know. 

> You should talk to that guy about your "AMD RISC" vs "Intel CISC"
> confusion. Perhaps he can set you straight. If not, Google can.
> Sigh..

i don't understand ur argument here correctly. if it is over risc/cisc
than plz explain what it is.

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