Where does an ubuntu machine get it's doamin name from

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Sat Sep 19 02:02:42 UTC 2009

Tim Frost wrote:

> During install, there is a dialog box that asks for the host name.
> Debian has a separate dialog box for the domain, but Ubuntu actually
> wants the FQDN in that one box.  The install adds a line to /etc/hosts
> with an IP address of, that has the FQDN and the short host
> name.

Well, no, Ubuntu doesn't "want" your FQDN there - if you get your domain 
from the DHCP server, the hostname is sufficient.  I rather suspect - since 
Ubuntu attempts auto-configuration via DHCP at install time - Ubuntu "wants" 
you to just put in the host name.
> The other place that may affect this is the domain entry
> in /etc/resolv.conf

Actually, it's the only place that should matter.  See man hostname.
> If you change both places, and then reboot each machine, you should have
> them all in the new domain

Except that you shouldn't need to change _either_ of those places for a 
system that resolves via DNS - which Ubuntu does by default.

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