Where does an ubuntu machine get it's doamin name from

Tim Frost timfrost at xtra.co.nz
Fri Sep 18 08:35:55 UTC 2009


This may be to late for your deadline, but:

On Wed, 2009-09-16 at 08:11 -0400, stan wrote:
> I need to change the domain on all of the machines at work by Friday. I had
> a contractor working on these machines and he "helped". That is he put
> shortt names in /etc/hostname, and /etc/mailname. This is NOT what I asked
> him to do, but it is what I found. My first thought is just to put the new
> FQDN in there, but this has my curiosity stired up. Where are these
> machines currently getting thier doamins from? They are not running NIS, so
> that can't be it.

For Ubuntu, it does depend at least partly on answers to the questions
at install time.

During install, there is a dialog box that asks for the host name.
Debian has a separate dialog box for the domain, but Ubuntu actually
wants the FQDN in that one box.  The install adds a line to /etc/hosts
with an IP address of, that has the FQDN and the short host

The other place that may affect this is the domain entry
in /etc/resolv.conf

If you change both places, and then reboot each machine, you should have
them all in the new domain


Tim Frost <timfrost at xtra.co.nz>
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