[9.04] printing with lpd: remove duplex options

Jacques Beigbeder Jacques.Beigbeder at ens.fr
Thu Sep 17 13:40:53 UTC 2009


I have a large network of Ubuntu using a print server with lpd://server/myPrinter
I just upgraded the server to 9.04.
Now all options, like Duplex, disappear!

Stopping printers step by step, I saw that:
. on the client, /var/spool/cups/c* contains options
. after transfert with lpd on the server, all options disappear
  in /var/spool/cups/c*.
So duplex printing from clients fails.

ppd files are the same on client and server.
Duplex printing on the server is OK.

lpd is managed by xinetd via a line like:
	/usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-lpd -o application/octet-stream

Do I have to move all clients to ipp://,
or is this some bug, some misconfiguration on the server?


Jacques Beigbeder                    |  Jacques.Beigbeder at ens.fr
Service de Prestations Informatiques |     http://www.spi.ens.fr
Ecole normale supérieure             |
45 rue d'Ulm                         |Tel : (+33 1)1 44 32 37 96
F75230 Paris cedex 05                |Fax : (+33 1)1 44 32 20 75

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