Ubuntu Professionals Forum?
Karl F. Larsen
klarsen1 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 20:27:52 UTC 2009
Preston Hagar wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Just a thought from my experience, a list that has as a requirement of
>> experience in running Ubuntu for another person may be a very little
>> used list. Since I run Ubuntu just for myself I am excluded from this
>> list. You can count on me not reading this new list since all I can do
>> is read. If I see a flaw in a email it stays there.
>> So by all means set it up and see if I am right!
>> 73 Karl
> I was quoted in Karl's response, but perhaps he meant to respond to
> Siggy's message instead of mine. I just thought I would try to
> clarify just one more time what my understanding of the OP's request
> was. I agree with Karl that a list having some kind of experience
> requirement isn't that useful. How do you determine and verify
> experience? Referrals? A test? How do you determine what is
> "enough" experience? I think that would be really hard to come to an
> agreement on.
> What I think that the OP had intended, and what I can see a possible
> use for, is for a list focused on the business side of Ubuntu. How do
> you sell Ubuntu? How do you migrate offices from Microsoft servers to
> Ubuntu servers? How do you find good Linux people to do the work?
> I can see how a list like this would quite possibly have fairly little
> traffic. I don't see, however, any need to restrict it in any way.
> It would likely sort itself out because people who had an interest in
> business topics that relate to Ubuntu would would read it and respond,
> and people who were primarily end-users would get no benefit and
> therefore not have a need to use it.
> Hopefully this clarifies things more (or at least my thoughts more).
> Preston
I like your idea! It is still for people on this list that work with
other peoples computers for business. I think a knowledge of business
would give them a leg-up over people with just a technical training.
And a person like me who is 75 years old, long retired from business,
and have no interest any more will just stay away from the list. I am so
old that in my business when I started out we had zero computers! This
was the norm in 1960.
73 Karl
Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
Linux User
#450462 http://counter.li.org.
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