Ubuntu Professionals Forum?

Preston Hagar prestonh at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 16:39:35 UTC 2009

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Siggy Brentrup <ubuntu at psycho.i21k.de> wrote::
>> On 09/13/2009 03:10 PM, Trent Murray wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > Is there a Ubuntu Professionals forum.  I would like to network and share
>> > information with other Ubuntu Server/Network Professionals and was wondering
>> > if there is a dedicated forum for this?
>> >
> As I said in another post, IMHO posting to that list should be
> restricted to people 'in the know', any other person may subscribe
> read-only.  This is quite simple to manage with mm.  Postings
> asking questions eligible for that list according to a yet to
> define charter must be approved by a moderator.
> What do you think?
>  Siggy

I think there may need to be a little clarification as to what
everyone means by a "Ubuntu Professionals list".  It seems some have
taken it to mean "more knowledgeable or more experienced".  If I
understand the OP intentions correctly (and please correct me if I am
wrong), he was looking more for a list for people who's business is
Ubuntu (i.e. installs and maintains Ubuntu systems as a business).  I
think the type of discussion he was looking for was not advanced
Ubuntu topics, or even necessarily how to install server component XYZ
specifically, but rather a list where there would be discussions like
"How to propose and migrate a business from Microsoft Exchange to
Ubuntu/Postfix" or "How to convince a small business owner of the
lower TCO and other benefits of using Linux instead of Microsoft".  It
could also be used for local networking (if it got big enough) to find
other people/companies to contract/refer business to when needed.

I think we already have a good list for Ubuntu desktop/end users
(ubuntu-users) and for servers (ubuntu-server), but what is possibly
missing is a list to help each other out who are trying to gain
business by migrating companies to Ubuntu that could provide sales
tips, tips on what you charge for different services, how to handle
difficult customers, who the good phone/hardware/network vendors are
both online and in specific areas, etc.

I may be completely wrong here (I have a small business that does
Ubuntu installs for other small businesses, so I may be biased), but I
think that is more what the OP was getting at.  I appreciate Siggy's
offer to help setup and moderate a new list.  I think it would be a
good idea though to make sure that everyone is talking about the same
thing, and that there is enough interest in one list idea to justify
setting it up.


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