Follow up Question Was: Re: Virtal Machine preferences?

Amedee Van Gasse (Ubuntu) amedee-ubuntu at
Wed Sep 16 11:33:51 UTC 2009

On Wed, September 16, 2009 10:15, Patton Echols wrote:

> Follow up (Hijacking my own thread?) Since it is still windows, it will
> be susceptible to virii just like a hardware box.

virii is the plural of the non-existent word virius
viri is the plural of the second declension masculine noun "vir" (man) so
viri = men

Originally virus was a mass noun in Latin, it meant "poison" (like snake
poison) so it had no plural. In the modern usage of the word, these are
the Latin forms of the word virus:

                singular        plural
nominative      virus           vira
vocative        virus/vire      vira
accusative      virus           vira
genitive        viri            virorum
dative          viro            viris
ablative        viro            viris

So if you want to look smart and use a Latin plural for virus, use vira.
Thank you!


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