Facebook is anti-Linux! Help change them!

Steve Lamb grey at dmiyu.org
Tue Sep 15 03:58:35 UTC 2009

Andrew Farris wrote:
> Now, assuming Steve Ballmer (or more likely Ballmer's secretary, or
> intern) makes accurate charts (despite their terrible representation on
> the included presentation slide) It would appear that MS's figures put
> Linux at ~6% desktop market share

    It pays to read the chart.  Top of the chart, "Economic effects on home
and business PC's".  Ignoring the possessive plural one has to wonder if they
are including servers in that mix as a lot of business' servers these days are
running the same commodity hardware as their desktops.  IE, it doesn't say
"Economic effects on home and business PC's" and Microsoft does compete for
server installs.  So it's not clear what the ~6% figure represents.

    Meanwhile, the cited sources from the 'pedia don't come close to 6%...


    Of course if I read that correctly that is only measuring computers which
have been detected browsing the web.  While skewed it does tend to rule out
server installs as those tend to not be web browsing machines.  ;)

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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