Saving Xsession for the Love of 'keycode 66 = Caps_Lock'

Minty Busby serendipity.g3a at
Mon Sep 14 02:30:55 UTC 2009

xmodmap -e 'keycode 66 = Caps_Lock'
I need to add this to my Xsession because I'm tired of typing that every
time I boot.  I'm not convinced the Colemak community will help me because
it's a very anti-Colemak idea.  I'm not against Colemak though.  I'm just
against having no Caps_Lock key.

Honestly, even if you don't have a clue what I'm talking about, can you
imagine a scenario in which adding that line to the Xsession could cause
harm?  I plan to add it right to the end, just above exit 0.

However, I can never remember how to convince my computer that I am in fact
its owner, and that it must do as I say.  How do I edit the Xsession file
while being able to save it when I'm done without it telling me that I'm not
allowed to do that because I'm not the owner, the mutinous bastard computer?

Furthermore, will saving it remove its application status?  If so, how do I
make it an application again?

I took this stuff in school like 900 years ago, and I don't remember.  Even
if I did, everything has had a lot of time to change in my absence.
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