Facebook is anti-Linux! Help change them!

Knapp magick.crow at gmail.com
Sun Sep 13 09:01:10 UTC 2009

On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Andrew Farris <flyindragon1 at aol.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-09-13 at 10:23 +0200, Knapp wrote:
> [snip]
>> I have no relationship to this blog. I got it in my rss feed and was a
>> bit shocked when someone here pointed out that it was quite old. I
>> posted because I have had problems, my brother has problems and this
>> blogger had problems. My brother also got emails from FB saying to
>> change OS. I think that that is the worst part of all this.
> [snip]
>> I am ready to drop this because it seems to only be causing strife and
>> that is not what I wanted. I wanted to get FB working nicely with
>> Linux. Their email seemed unacceptable to me. Perhaps others don't see
>> it that way.
> Oh I agree with this wholeheartedly... I think the issue a lot of people
> are having with your message is that either facebook works for them, or
> that the post was over a year old.
> I actually tried to send them an email to get an answer out of them, but
> I couldn't find any place on their site to do so. If you have a link,
> please let me know (note: I don't use facebook, so if this is a problem,
> then I guess i'm screwed.)
> Dont give up! just...clarify I guess. For individual problems, you must
> first figure out if the failure is with Facebook or a linux app...then
> seek help accordingly.  For the whole 'switch your OS' thing...we need
> to trash that attitude with all speed.
> --
> Andrew

Yes, I think I will do that and I will be changing the subject so
please be on the lookout. Thanks all!

Douglas E Knapp

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