Installing new ubuntu, keeping /home partition

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Fri Sep 11 19:43:03 UTC 2009

Colin Law wrote:
> 2009/9/10 Cybe R. Wizard <cyber_wizard at>:
>> On Thu, 10 Sep 2009 17:25:17 +0100
>> Chris Jones <jonesc at> wrote:
>> I'd say you are fully ready. Â Go for it! Â Let us know how
>> it turns out, if you please.
> I am glad to say that it all went smoothly and I am now able to boot
> into 8.10, 9.04 or XP (Only when necessary I have a couple of usb
> devices that do not seem to have linux drivers).  Many thanks to all
> who made helpful suggestions.
> There was one slight moment of confusion.  The screen at the start of
> the install when it asks basically what you want to do said that I had
> XP and Ubuntu installed and gave me a number of options, the first of
> which was 'install side by side' which is of course what I wanted to
> do.  It was not at all clear that the partition bar at the bottom was
> indicating where the new install was going to go.  When I selected
> this option it said that it had to make previously selected changes to
> the partitions, without telling me actually what it was about to do.
> As I was not aware that I had previously made any changes this was a
> bit confusing.  After going back to the previous page I realised what
> was happening and selected the DIY route and all went smoothly.  I
> think the wording on the startup page could do with improving, and
> when the side by side option is selected it would be useful to display
> the changes that are about to be made.
> I do have an issue with the gnome panels but I will start a new thread for that.
> A question.  If I update the kernel in my 8.10 install will this get
> added into the grub menu ok?
> Colin
	Only if you get the new kernel from an upgrade or an apt-get from 
Ubuntu servers.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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