Installing new ubuntu, keeping /home partition

Colin Law clanlaw at
Fri Sep 11 19:19:34 UTC 2009

2009/9/11 Ray Leventhal <ubuntu at>:
> <snip>
> Hi Colin,
> Congrats on getting your dual boot up and running.
>  > A question.  If I update the kernel in my 8.10 install will this get
>  > added into the grub menu ok?
> As Ubuntu is a package based distro, you're encouraged to use the
> package manager system for all updates, including kernel updates.  As
> long as you stay within the package paradigm using either

Sloppy wording on my part, when I said 'If I update the kernel ...' I
meant 'If the update manager in 8.10 decides I should have an updated
(8.10) kernel and I tell it to go ahead ...'

> [snip]
> Or using the GUI package management front-end, any kernel updates should
> properly populate into your boot list for grub.

I was just a bit worried about the fact that the boot entries for 8.10
and 9.04 on different partitions would both then exist in the
automatically generated bit of the menu.  It does not bother me that
they both appear there provided it does not confuse the system, I can
rearrange the order if necessary,

> I'm fairly new to Ubuntu, though not to GNU/Linux and I've never been
> more pleased with a desktop distribution than I am with Ubuntu
> (including all of the bloat ware from M$)
> Welcome aboard!

Glad to be aboard.


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