Problem with compiz cube

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Thu Sep 10 15:58:20 UTC 2009

2009/9/10 Massimiliano Ziccardi <massimiliano.ziccardi at>:
> You can like or dislike it: it's ok.
> However, here, in the official ubuntu users mailing list, someone should
> have supported me.
> I know I'm talking about a *free* software, so I can't say 'You MUST help
> me'...
> However, I think it's an ethic issue: if you offer free software, you should
> support it.
> Once again: it was a quite simple and obvious problem for an experienced
> user - someone of the ubuntu team should have at least tried to help me. Do
> they partecipate to their mailing list?

I am not sure there so many poeple from the Ubuntu team reading this
list, but I could be wrong.

I use Compiz all the time. Most of the effects are really unnecessary
to me, but I have found some that I think are useful for me and it at
least feels like they make my work a bit more efficient, if that's the
right word for it…


> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Andrew Farris <flyindragon1 at> wrote:
>> On Thu, 2009-09-10 at 17:43 +0300, Rakotomandimby Mihamina wrote:
>> > 09/10/2009 02:25 PM, Massimiliano Ziccardi:
>> > >>I guess that most people on this list are ordinary users like you and
>> > >> me.
>> > > What about the others? I didn't want the solution: just something like
>> > > 'check this', 'check that', or
>> > > 'Have you done that thing?', etc...
>> >
>> > May be, just a minority is using Desktop effects.
>> > Those things are funny for 5 minutes then get me bored.
>> I removed compiz a while ago from my desktop because I like to play
>> games, and compiz interfered with that.
>> --
>> Andrew
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