Installing new ubuntu, keeping /home partition

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at
Thu Sep 10 15:45:59 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2009-09-10 at 16:35 +0100, Colin Law wrote:
> Hi
> I have a dual boot setup using grub with XP and ubuntu.
> I am currently on 8.10 and wish to try 9.04 without burning my boats
> so I wish to install it but keep 8.10 working till I have confirmed
> that 9.04 is ok for me.  I have /home in a separate partition and I
> have a spare partition to install 9.04 into.  Am I right in thinking
> that I should be able to install 9.04 and have it use the home
> partition that I already have, and that I should be able to boot into
> either ubuntu (or XP) as I wish?

That sounds correct to me.  Sounds like you've got all your ducks in a
row for this one.

> If so I am ready to do the install (from the standard 9.04 CD), is
> there anything I have to watch out for when doing this?  Is it obvious
> how to tell it to use the existing home partition without overwriting
> it?

just make sure you know the partition name of your existing /home. When
you're installing, and the partitioner launches, choose the option to
partition manually, and pick the spare partition you've created to house
9.04 and tell it to "Use As: '/'". It will require that you reformat
that partition.

Likewise, you do the same for your existing home... just make sure that
the installer doesn't try to format that partition (it shouldn't try,
but still be careful all the same)

I think thats about it! Good luck!

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