Do I need a new hd?

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Thu Sep 10 11:40:20 UTC 2009

Brittany wrote:
> I've been recieving these errors for a while and prior of these errors my 
> computer would operate rather slowly ( it should open up folders/ files rather 
> quicky when it's operating smoothly) and sometimes the files that I know are 
> there tells me that I cannot open them and notice how different the icons look. 
> When I shut down the computer it will give me the option to shut down with a red 
> x, which then I know theirs something wrong. The iPhone camera shot provided was 
> taken after I've attempted to shut down my computer. Am i needing a new hard drive?
> Brittany Sent from my iPhone
	First tell us what version of Ubuntu your using and then explain in 
detail what "these errors" are.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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