What's this landscape stuff about?

Tim Tebbit ttebbit at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 18:53:28 UTC 2009

Chris Mohler wrote:
> So, you're using Canonical's free OS and are upset when they plug
> their remote monitoring service when you log in remotely?  Well, I
> guess you're free to modify motd, aren't you?  I recommend installing
> fortune or fortune-homer ;)
> Relax - you'll live longer...
> Chris

You mean Debian's OS than Canonical sponsors a fork of as a commercial 
project with paid support staff and also decided to included 
advertisements? If your certain your not using Debian's OS please 
provide the output of 'cat /etc/debian_version' in your response.

What is next "Cancel or Allow"? sudo blah .... "Are you sure you want to 
do that"

There is no reason to include a default setting directing people to a 
link to purchase products or services period.

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