wireless on 9.04

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Wed Sep 9 12:21:20 UTC 2009

Am Mittwoch, den 09.09.2009, 06:00 -0600 schrieb Karl F. Larsen:

> 	My question to the group is this: Is anyone using wireless Internet 
> still using network manager on 9.04? If so are you using the key-ring 
> password like I did?
yes, millions of people ...

the trick is to give your login password or no password at all when
gnome-keyring asks you and gnome-keyring will never ever bother you
again ...

there is surely a bug open about it somewhere, the installer is supposed
to just use your login password by default and seed it into the keyring
in 9.10, it was largely discussed at last UDS and in the ubuntu-devel
mailing list.

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