wireless on 9.04

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 12:00:35 UTC 2009

	I and others wrote a bug for 9.04 because we could not get wireless 
working after we got a lot of updates. It appears to me now working with 
9.10 alfa 3 that the Key-chain is the thing that causes confusion when 
setting up wireless.

	Here is what happened with 9.10. It came up with no Internet after 
installing on the hard drive. Everything else was fine. I right clicked 
the two monitor in the upper right edge of the screen, and a panel came 
down showing the 3 wireless signals I receive now at home. I selected my 
own and a new panel came up asking for my router password. I gave it and 
expected the network manager to start getting the Internet but no.

	Another panel came up asking for me to put in a password for a 
key-ring! I put in a simple password, and THEN the Internet started working.

	After a re-boot again the 9.10 comes up without Internet working. This 
time you right click the monitors and the key-chain panel wants you to 
give it a password and when you do, it works.

	Now on 9.04 I went through all this and then tried "wicd" and never 
looked back. This replacement for network manager after a reboot has 
Internet ready before the rest of the system is started!

	My question to the group is this: Is anyone using wireless Internet 
still using network manager on 9.04? If so are you using the key-ring 
password like I did?

Thanks Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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