Windows/Jaunty Dual Boot on Notebook Computer

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Mon Sep 7 20:36:39 UTC 2009

John Graddy wrote:
> I am considering buying a notebook system.  All of them seem to come
> with some flavor of Vista pre-loaded.  I am mainly interested in putting
> Jaunty on the system, but would like to keep Vista on it until I am
> comfortable that Jaunty will run on the hardware that I purchase.
> I have been reading a lot of horror stories about trying to create a
> dual-boot system with Vista.  Some folks say it's a piece of cake, that
> they just installed from the live CD and everything worked fine.  Others
> tell of being able to boot either Vista or Jaunty, but not both.  I have
> read about Easy BCD and Virtualbox.  I have also read some (seemingly)
> endless threads about continued frustration.

	First be sure you have a Ubuntu version 9.04 LiveCD in hand. Either go 
to a store with a display laptop you can put the CD in, or just buy the 
one you like for all reasons and first thing load up the LiveCD.

	With just the CD:

1. Did it load properly?
2. Does it see the wireless Internet?
3. If it is your laptop and 1. and 2. are yes, then use the partition 
manager on the CD to make the Vista partition MUCH smaller, say 4 
Megabyte, and then MOVE the saved partition with nothing on it to the 
end of the hard drive. This takes about an hour.
4. Your computer now looks like:

/dev/sda1 Vista
/dev/sda2 Vista replacement file
/dev/sda3 Big empty partition

Then install Ubuntu. You will be able to boot up in Vista or Ubuntu 9.04 
with Grub.

> Does anyone have some words of wisdom - other that just junk vista?
> Thanks in advance.
> P.S. Almost all of the notebooks advertise that they support Wirelwss B
> and/or G.  Will these run on my wireless N home network?


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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