Remote restart of gui after logout

Carl Friis-Hansen ubuntuuser at
Mon Sep 7 05:42:13 UTC 2009

On Mon, September 7, 2009 04:11, John wrote:
> dean wrote:
>> John wrote:
>>> So far from the SSH command line I tried: startx, xinit, initlevel 5
>> You could use an SSH tunnel to view your pc, an example would be to use
>> SSH -X blah at
>> So if you then type nautilus or whatever in your ssh session, it will
>> actually remote that window to your desktop.
> I'm looking in Putty for how to do that but I haven't found it yet, is
> gui possible with Putty?

Related to PuTTY is an application called CygWin.  You need to install as
many modules of CygWin, so that you can run am -X session over SSH.  After
correct and adequate installation of CygWin, you just write "ssh
foo at -Y" in a CygWin terminal. This old page might be of help:

Note that if you install everything in CygWin, it will set you back quite
a lot of disk space, so be a bit selective.  Using a Mac or a Linux in the
first place would have been easier  :-)
                           Carl Friis-Hansen
                           Phone: +46 372 15033

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