Remote restart of gui after logout

Tim Frost timfrost at
Mon Sep 7 11:00:35 UTC 2009


On Sun, 2009-09-06 at 22:11 -0400, John wrote:
> dean wrote:
> > You could use an SSH tunnel to view your pc, an example would be to use
> >
> > SSH -X blah at
> >
> > So if you then type nautilus or whatever in your ssh session, it will 
> > actually remote that window to your desktop.
> >
> >
> >   
> I'm looking in Putty for how to do that but I haven't found it yet, is 
> gui possible with Putty?

You need to install an X server in your windows system (Xming, or the
Cygwin X server for example), then edit the putty configuration:
- Define the session as SSH
- specify the host name
- go to Connection->SSH->X11:
  - check the box 'Enable X11 forwarding'
- configure other features such as auto-login user, keys, etc
- save the profile

With the X server running, and X11 forwarding enabled in putty, you
should be able to run X-based applications with the display appearing on
your local Windows PC.

For a command-line SSH client, the option '-X' is the equivalent of
setting the 'Enable X11 forwarding' for the putty GUI interface.

Tim Frost <timfrost at>
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