Ubuntu crashing

Shannon McMackin smcmackin at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 12:33:08 UTC 2009

Ken T. wrote:
> I upgraded to Intrepid a while back and since then I've had some 
> difficulty with my laptop crashing.  It is an Inspiron 1525 from Dell.  
> When it crashes the screen doesn't change but everything seizes up.  The 
> caps like and num lock indicators flash and the only solution is a hard 
> reboot.  
> Any idea what is happening or how to fix it?  I'd like to move to Jaunty 
> but I'm affected by a bug that leads to hard disk corruption, so for now 
> it is out.  
> I don't think this was a problem with Hardy. 
> Thanks. 
Are you running Compiz?  If so, install CCSM and make sure you de-select 
something about redirect full screen in the general settings.  This was 
a problem for me on Intrepid with Intel video.

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