Vista kills Ubuntu wireless

sdavmor sdavmor at
Fri Sep 4 00:20:52 UTC 2009

Young wrote:
> I just got my first laptop (Dell Studio 1737), and wanted to do it up 
> right with Ubuntu. Before I even let Vista run, I forced it to boot from 
> the Ubuntu 9.04 i386 live CD and it *worked fine, including the 
> wireless*. So I, of course, think I'm home free.
> I used GParted to repartition the hard drive for Vista, /, swap, /home, 
> and a second NTFS partition for shared files.
> Next, I let Vista boot, and it didn't seem to be happy with the 
> repartition, but it eventually finished the initialization, and after 
> multiple reboots it seems to *run fine, including the wireless*.
> Then, I booted from the Ubuntu live CD again and installed Ubuntu. When 
> I finally boot into Ubuntu off the hard drive, *the wireless will not work*.
> I then boot from the live CD, and *the wireless will not work*.
> I boot back into Vista and the *wireless works fine*.
> Multiple iterations, same results.
> Where do I start?
> Will 64 bit fix this? How about using the Alternate Install CD?
> I hope you guys can help. I haven't been able to find anything via Google.

Interesting we've just had what looks like this problem on 
Vista/Ubuntu (several revs) and Vista / Win 7 / SUSE 11.

However I didn't make the assumption that it was a problem in Vista 
since it was already in place before the machines became dual-boot 

In each case we made sure the latest firmware was installed for the 
wireless nics.  Then we started by removing all security from the 
wireless router and beginning from the ground up with my wife's SUSE 

We found that using WEP 128 bit and WPA2 would not connect under SUSE 
(nor the pair of Ubuntu 9.04 desktops).  But unsecured, WEP 64 bit and 
WPA would connect with no problem.  So we adjusted everyone to use WPA 
and now all the dual-boot machines are happy campers.

So before you do anything else you might want to try the same thing. 
it was time consuming but painless and got us where we needed to be in 
the end.
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