Multi disc CD/DVD Drive/burner for Ubuntu

Ray Parrish crp at
Thu Sep 3 18:17:27 UTC 2009

Brian McKee wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 12:03 AM, Ray Parrish<crp at> wrote:
>> I was just amazed to discover that there are 100 disc CD/DVD burner
>> drives that connect via USB 2.0 like this one -
> 100 DVDs = one half terrabyte drive....
> Anything with that much mechanical tom foolery isn't going to be reliable IMO,
> Brian
That's a pretty valid point, but the review covered that some, and the 
Dacal machine seems reliable enough. It holds150 DVDs so that would be 
3/4 terabyte, and you can string them together on a USB port, up to 127 
of them.

The database software that comes with it can keep track of 19,000 DVDs 
so calculate the storage involved there! 8-) [roughly 89 terabytes]


When you consider damaged discs, and difficulty in locating discs, this 
seems like a good solution. I no longer believe it to be a real good 
backup solution compared to a 1 terabyte external hard drive, which is 
less expensive anyway.

Later, Ray Parrish

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