Vista kills Ubuntu wireless

Xandros Pilosa folivora.pilosa at
Thu Sep 3 17:41:46 UTC 2009

Young pravi:
> Summary:
> The same laptop connects wirelessly with Vista, but not Ubuntu.
> Ubuntu fails to connect to two different routers, with the same symptoms 
> each time.
> Network Manager and Wicd both seem to have the same problem.
> The Ubuntu Live CD was able to connect wirelessly before Vista was 
> activated.
> FWIW, I do like Wicd better.
> Mark

Just a guess:
you can check the mac address for your card. I had a problem once with 
mac being reversed when resuming from STR or hibernation
(00:56:... became...56:00) and in combination with mac filtering on the 
router, the quickest solution was to add the reversed mac to allowed 
clients list.
(You were hibernating vista, to overcome the nic power down problem, if 
I'm not mistaking?)
Anyway, if you can connect to the routers interface (with the wire 
or/and on another comp.), you may check clients list (if that 
available) and compare the difference between clients vista vs. Ubuntu 
or temp. disable clients/stations filtering.
As I wrote, just a guess and maybe a hint to include third party in the 
troubleshooting e.g the router.


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