[OT] Re: Hate SATA hard drives

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Thu Sep 3 00:49:36 UTC 2009

> On Tue, September 1, 2009 16:44, Pastor JW wrote:
>> On Tuesday 01 September 2009 5:44:05 am Derek Broughton wrote:
>>> And anyway, I was never an English major - it just isn't that hard to
>>> have
>>> language skills above and beyond that usually taught in Canadian and
>>> American schools.
>> ...And then we get to basic geography, on which continent do you suppose
>> Canada to be?  ...Or Mexico for that matter?  How many American countries
>> are
>> there anyway?  :)

One, thank you.  I really despise this sort of sophistry.  I live in Canada.  
It is part of a continent called North America.  That doesn't make it - in 
ANY sense - an "American" country.  It is a _North_ American country, but 
the only place called "America" is the USA.

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