virtualbox wont show USB ports in the guest OS

NoOp glgxg at
Wed Sep 2 23:16:32 UTC 2009

On 09/02/2009 02:53 PM, Joep L. Blom wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> Joep,
>> Did you ever get this sorted out?
>> Gary
> Gerry,
> Short answer: No.
> Longer answer: I have a lame disk on my other system and have to sort 
> that out first ( bring all critical programs to the other system) and 
> then MUST sort the problem as the other will become my production machine.
> One of the possibilities is that I have a cripple virtualbox because 
> when I installed it and ran it the first time it froze the system (X+KB 
> +mouse) and I could only get it working by killing virtualbox froma 
> remote system. But suddenly - by some magic?? - iy starte to work. But I 
> will remove it first completely and do a fresh reinstall. Or do you have 
> another suggestion? On the virtualbox list I have had a lot of 
> suggestions dealing with udev and installing an usbfs but until now it 
> has had no effect. Tomorrow I'm away and I hope to find time on friday 
> to solve the problem. I will report here when I have made progress.
> Thanks for your interest.
> Joep

Reinstalling may indeed be the best option. Let us know how it goes & if
you need help off-list drop me a note.


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