Joke, I think

Siggy Brentrup ubuntu at
Wed Sep 2 18:01:15 UTC 2009

On Wed, Sep 02, 2009 at 20:43 +0530, ashwin1711 wrote:
> Dear friend,

As long as you don't show your real name, don't call anyone friend,
ashwin1711 is almost equivalant to anonymous for me and I know my all
friends's names.

> Im not jocking.why didnt u read before commenting to my status.It
> happens coz i had changed username and home contains dir.

So you acted as someone not knowing the consquences of your doings,
i.e. foolishly.  This isn't meant as an offense, it's not long ago
that I started a thread on this list titled "Oops, shot myself in the
foot"; with my experience I should have known better and I should have
found the solution a lot earlier than I did.

[snip irrelevant details]

> My frnd if u r working for ubuntu then its not good to make commets
> like this.  Plz behave like good man.if u dont know how to solve any
> problen the keep quiet.THANK YOU

Who do you think you are that you dare to give this advice to
respected members of the community?  Always keep in mind that almost
everyone on this list doesn't get paid for helping people with silly
problems.  We do it in our free time to promote Ubuntu because we
believe in that word's meaning.

> -- 
> Sent from Gmail for mobile |

Is this your real name? Why do you shout it?  What country are you

And please before hitting the send button try to fix that abundance of
typos making your mail hard to read especially for non native English
speakers.  I'm typing this mail on a broken keyboard that makes it
hard to input the letter 'e' but it's the only USB kbd I have atm.


ps: after going back in this thread I almost can't believe I'm
    defending Karl; be it as it is.
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