Joke, I think

Shannon McMackin smcmackin at
Wed Sep 2 16:22:58 UTC 2009

ashwin1711 wrote:
> Dear friend,
> Im not jocking.why didnt u read before commenting to my status.It
> happens coz i had changed username and home contains dir.It was before
> ashwn and i changed it ashwin so that from there problem start.i make
> changed it in user and group and also delated but Derek is verx
> intelligent guy he guide me very good and i get my home directry back
> but after my touchpad not worked.If its jock then why im typing this
> with my mobile which is very hard.and why i m wasting my time coz to
> get my documents which is imp for me.My frnd if u r working for ubuntu
> then its not good to make commets like this.Plz behave like good
> man.if u dont know how to solve any problen the keep quiet.THANK YOU
Since it sounds like messing with locations and settings for your 
original user really messed things up, how about making a new user 
account and logging in as that user to see what happens?

It's easy enough to move data from one user to another.

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