Right click to email

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Fri Oct 30 14:58:08 UTC 2009

On 10/29/2009 07:51 PM, Wade Smart wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 10/29/2009 03:30 PM, Wade Smart wrote:
>>> I spend a lot of time emailing files and pictures to clients.
>>> I really like in say OO who you can click email and it will email the
>>> spread sheet you are working on.
>>> Is there a way to add right click _> :Send To: to the right click list?
>> To what list? What application are you talking about?
> If Im in a folder, I would like to right click on the file and select 
> "Send To" to attach to a email. I use thunderbird. There is a Send To if 
> you use Evolution but it doesnt apply without using some two year old 
> script that Im uncertain of.
> Wade

Ah, so the app is Nautilus. I have my email set for SeaMonkey
(System|Preferred Applications|Mail
-compose) and if I right click a file in Nautilus|Send To|Evolution it
does open the SeaMonkey mail compose window.

I just tested with Thunderbird:
'/home/<username>/Thunderbird3/thunderbird/thunderbird -compose' and
that works as well.

Only bug I see is that the Nautilus|Send To| doesn't have a dropdown for
'Custom'. And a search for that probably will turn one up:

This might be of interest:

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