X-server Bug - Severe

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Oct 29 14:06:02 UTC 2009

--- On Thu, 10/29/09, Richard Ibbotson <richard.ibbotson at gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Richard Ibbotson <richard.ibbotson at gmail.com>
> Subject: X-server Bug - Severe
> To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Date: Thursday, October 29, 2009, 8:08 AM
> Hello there
> For the past week or so I've been testing the 9.10 beta and
> upgrading 
> from 9.04 as the new updates came along.  Throughout
> all of this I 
> have the same bug which is not going away.  The Nvidia
> driver will not 
> start up.  I am booting into a black screen on my
> desktop and not KDE 
> or Gnome.  If I hack /etc/X11/xorg.conf and remove the
> "nvidia" part 
> of it and replace it with "nv" my desktop will start up
> without any 
> problems.
> How do I fix this so that I can do a normal boot into my
> desktop login 
> screen ?  Xorg log startup file is below....
Well, the first thing I would have done with your X problem and before rming the nvidia-185-* driver would be to reboot in recovery mode and run "xfix" without the quotes.  You may not be able to do that with Karmic as it seems that some, including me, find recovery mode broken in Karmic Beta 64 bit.  It may work for you if you have 32 bit but I don't know for sure.  Another thing to try if you can access the recovery mode kernel is to run the fix broken menu item with the nvidia driver installed, of course.
You may want to consider googling for "your video card model or chip+karmic+video driver" or similar and see what comes up of interest.
I'm running 64 bit Karmic beta recent nightly build with the nvidia-185 driver and X works out of the box with no issues.
Hope this gets you started on a solution, if not post back with details on what you've done.
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net

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