Sporadic freezes and frustration

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at aol.com
Tue Oct 27 23:50:44 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 16:19 -0700, Anthony P. wrote:
> For some reason, and this happens a lot, when I boot the system, the
> system will freeze as it's playing the startup sound and just stay in
> a fast loop where it froze playing that portion of the sound again and
> again. The only way to stop it is to force the machine off by holding
> down the power button. If I let it sit there, it will eventually
> change to a screen with strips going up and down but still the system
> is nonresponsive.

Have you looked into the possibility of faulty hardware? this sounds
similar to what happened to my friends' computer when the graphics card
was dying.

It could also be the RAM though...Try running a memtest through the boot
menu when you start up (since ubuntu is by itself, I thik you've gotta
hit "Esc" right after BIOS finished it's thing). Let the test go on for
a few hours, and make sure the laptop is plugged in.

It could also be an issue with the battery, I think... If the system
passes memtest, try shutting it off, pulling the battery, then running
the laptop just on AC, and see if it freezes.

Hope that helps.

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