boot loader not installed

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Mon Oct 26 11:31:01 UTC 2009

fyrbrds at wrote:
>  No responses so far on this. I have another question.

  In one of the boot loader faqs I read,

  someone made mention of Ubuntu's boot loader.

  Am I right in assuming that Ubuntu uses grub?

  Is there another forum for boot loaders?

	All Ubuntu except version 9.10 use Grub version 1. Ubuntu 
9.10 uses grub version 2.

	I am using 9.10 and the grub version 2 works fine and boots 
my Windows and older versions of Ubuntu.

	How did you load your Ubuntu 9.10 in detail please. Grub is 
the last thing the Ubuntu loader does, and it works fine as a 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: fyrbrds at
> To: ubuntu-users at
> Sent: Sat, Oct 24, 2009 1:43 pm
> Subject: boot loader not installed
> I tried to install ubuntu 9.10 beta. It completes the install but

  does not install grub. I boot with other boot cds or with easy

  bcd and these can find grub no where. Why would ubuntu think 
it made

  a proper install without a boot loader?
> I have tried installing it 5 times on different drives and different

  partition schemes with the same result.

	I installed using the 9.10 Beta LiveCD for i386. I watched it 
set up Grub 2 and it did so. Please check your cd-rom and see 
if you have a good one.

73 Karl

> I want a dual boot config. I have Windows Vista on a 500GB drive (hd0)
> 300GB NTFS (hd1)
> 300GB Nvidia SW RAID w/ 3x WD Raptor 150 (hd2)
> Tried installing on hd2 3 times. Finally read pages with information leading every which way.
> Tried hd0 twice. hd0 has 160G Vista partition. I set up a 40G /home, 12G swp, 4G /tmp, and 80G / (sda8)
> All attempts to boot this config after install have failed. The Vista boot loader remains intact.
> I tried NeoGrub and the Super grub Boot cd. No grub install found anywhere.
> Last question: Is there a way to boot to a command prompt with the live cd for repairs? The live cd gnome terminal is practically blind-mute.
> John


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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