[Karmic] SeaMonkey + 64bit +plugins
glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sat Oct 24 03:04:23 UTC 2009
Anyone here using/testing 64bit karmic and SeaMonkey (mozilla version)?
If you are, I'd appreciate some help as I only have 32bit systems for
I'm trying to assist a 64bit karmic user (Leonard[1]) to test SeaMonkey
2.0rc2 and for some reason he can't get any of the java and flash
plugins to work. (They do work with (U)FireFox).
If you do have a 64bit karmic install, could you please download
SeaMonkey 2.0rc2 from:
and then & extract/install to a home folder (/home/<username>/seamonkey).
Then install sun-java6-jre, sun-java6-plugin, and flash & let me know
what your about:plugins show when you open SeaMonkey
(/home/<username>/seamonkey/seamonkey & what is showing in
about:plugins & Tools|Add-on Manager|Plugins and working?
Appreciate the help.
[1] He's been more than helpful & patient in trying; even to the point
of temporarily abandoning KDE to install a new Gnome 9.10 test partition
to test. Thanks Leonard!
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