Ubuntu SELinux status.

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Fri Oct 23 16:02:51 UTC 2009

On 10/22/2009 10:47 PM, christopher.lemire at gmail.com wrote:
> I tried selinuxtroubleshooter, did not work. I solved problem #1 and
> got a little further and ran into problem #2. Then I said forget it,
> I don't have time to make all the nice things of selinux work in
> Ubuntu. My SELinux is still running and if I edit the kernel params
> from the grub menu to not boot with SELinux, my computers beep
> speakers turn into a boombox while Ubuntu and my vanilla kernel boot
> up. Maybe its that I put selinux directly into kernel rather than
> modulizing it. My kernel is unpatched. I only have a few modules that
> are patched like the ones from aircrack-ng  for ensuring the security
> is tight on my own network which it is. The article made a false
> statement and a dumb question. Why would anyone want to use SELinux
> when there's apparmor it said. Simple answer, it's no Secu rity
> Enhanced Linux. I can elaborate more. It said selinuxtroubleshooter
> not available. False, its available in a broken state. What's new to
> me is that selinux has been available since 8.04 and its still in a
> broken state :(  Too many non power users switching from windows and
> not enough demand for it. Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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