Text editor recommendations

Amedee Van Gasse (ub) amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be
Thu Oct 22 13:03:30 UTC 2009

On Thu, October 22, 2009 14:24, Knapp wrote:
>>> Obviously, yes. Editor wars don't really contribute to the value of
>>> this mailing list, but there is no harm in having them on the
>>> off-topic list.
> All out wars are a waste of time but each person talking about what
> they use and why they like it better than some other program that they
> have also used enough to know is GREAT info for a newbie to read.
> Anyone looking for a new editor like the OP needs this info to make up
> his/her mind and to know what the options are.

You are right of course, but when a thread about editors goes more than 5
levels deep, it has become an editor war.
A recommendation thread like you describe, is a flat thread with the
majority of branches on the root message (the OP).

I only wanted to cut off a branch that was going too deep, to give more
visibility to the interesting branches. It's like pruning a shrubbery.


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