Text editor recommendations

Chris Jones jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
Wed Oct 21 09:56:10 UTC 2009

> For some reference, if you do find yourself in Vim:
> There are three modes - Insert, Replace and Command. Hitting 'esc'
> three times will *always* get you into command mode (once is often
> enough). Pressing 'insert' will enter insert from command, and then
> toggle between insert and replace.
> Commands start with a colon (:), and each command is (generally) a
> letter long, but can be concatenated. Handy ones are:
> :q	quit. Will prompt if file's unsaved
> :w	save (write) file.
> :wq	save (write) and quit
> :q!	quit without writing

:q being far and away the most useful... better still, never start vim 
in the first place ;)

Seriously, all the suggestions here are good ones IMHO, apart from vim, 
which has a terribly confusing interface and not something I would point 
a linux newbie at unless I really disliked them. Stay away from vim and 
you won't go far wrong. (For the record, my suggestion would be emacs ;) )


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