9.04 sound issues

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 19 21:41:14 UTC 2009

On 10/19/2009 07:01 AM, Willis Taylor wrote:
> I recently upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and was unable to go on up to 9.04
> and ended up doing a fresh install using the entire disk.  I ran Studio
> to edit and record sound CD,s in 8.04.  Upon installing Jaunty I noticed
> that I had sound everywhere but my games, on real loss.  I used Synaptic
> to install Studio and still, sound except no sound on the games (Pysol,
> Mah Jongg and such) ad no mike feed or playing a CD.  Since the problem
> was there from the start I don't think if is a Studio problem but I am
> also open to being wrong.

I see no options to enable sound for either of those games & get no
sound from them in hardy (8.04), jaunty (9.04), karmic (9.10 beta).

I'm a little confused regarding your comments regarding "I had sound
everywhere but my games". But then you add: "no mike feed or playing a
CD". Can you clarify?

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