libbass1 needed to get mplayer installed Karmic?

David Fox dfox94085 at
Sat Oct 17 04:53:08 UTC 2009

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 6:43 AM, m_epling <m_epling at> wrote:
> the package libbass is needded to install is it going to be added to repos ?

Well, how up to date are you, and is this a fresh install of mplayer
in karmic or are you doing routine updates?

I can check, or you can check the dependency chain for the current
mplayer. It's not too difficult, and see what if anything prevents
libbass from being installed. It may in itself be not installable
because of another dependency.

Sometimes this can be disconcerting, and other tims all it takes is an
easy wait before the problem gets resolved. Or, in the case of todays
update for mplayer which blocked all updates because of a missing dep
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