Brasero won't copy a CD

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Thu Oct 15 20:41:36 UTC 2009

Graham Watkins wrote:
> Evening all,
> I just tried to copy a music CD using Brasero - something that has never 
> given me any trouble before.  However 2 attempts left me with something 
> containing only one track and was unplayable both in my hi-fi and my 
> computer.   I therefore decided to try another tack and tried to create 
> a new CD using tracks off of the original.  Brasero gave me the message 
> "Track 1.wav could not be handled by GStreamer. Make sure the 
> appropriate codec is installed"   Any idea what the appropriate codec 
> might be?  I have all the usual GStreamer stuff installed.
> I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 and the Brasero version is 2.26.1.
> I've converted the CD to MP3s and I'm going to try and burn those but I 
> don't consider this a permanent satisfactory solution.
> cheers,
> Graham
	Forget Brasero, it is a good try but not yet there. I use K3b 
which you can get with this call:

	$ sudo apt-get install k3b

I use it all the time for .iso files, digital CD and music CD. 
By the way, a music CD has many tracks as a rule.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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