Upgrade to 8.04
glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Oct 13 16:16:52 UTC 2009
On 10/13/2009 04:31 AM, Diane Turner wrote:
> I am running on 6.06LTS and have been trying to upgrade to 8.04 for
> several weeks but but keep getting the message Error authenticating
> libdb3 and then the upgrade drops out. I have been unable to find a way
> round this. Can anybody help please.
> Diane
You mean since July right? :-)
Nil's pointed you to the upgrade document. You'll need to advise
_exactly_ how you are attempting to do the upgrade & if you followed the
instructions in:
<https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#Upgrade from 6.06 LTS
to 8.04 LTS>
For example:
- have you ensured that you have _all_ updates for 6.06?
- have you read the 8.04 release notes?
- you _must_ be running a server version - desktops are no longer
supported, so have you followed these instructions:
Network Upgrade from 6.06 for Ubuntu Servers (Recommended)
If you run an Ubuntu server, you should use the new server upgrade system.
1. Enable the "dapper-updates" repository.
2. Install the new "update-manager-core" package - dependencies
include python-apt, python-gnupginterface and python2.4-apt.
3. Run "sudo do-release-upgrade" in a terminal window.
4. Follow the steps on the terminal window.
You may have done all of that, but folks here won't be able to help any
further (without throwing out WAGs) unless you tell us _exactly_ what
you have done.
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