Brother MFC490-CW Drivers for Printer?

Chris Mohler cr33dog at
Tue Oct 13 01:14:29 UTC 2009

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 7:56 PM, Leonard Chatagnier
<lenc5570 at> wrote:
> Can you be a little more specific?  Exactly what printer setup program did you use?

He's likely talking about the default Add Printer (Sys->Admin->Printing).

FWIW, I recently grabbed a new Brother laser (HL-2170W - wireless) and
it works out-of-the-box w/the Add Printer dialog (8.10 and 9.04).
Five steps less than in Vista and *quite* a few less than XP.

Now, I'm wondering if I should lock that printer down to keep any
neighbors from printing to it, but that's another topic ;)


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