Serious GRUB booting problem after install Ubuntu 9.10beta for testing it.

Lucio M Nicolosi lmnicolosi at
Mon Oct 12 23:39:31 UTC 2009

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 7:48 PM, Rashkae <ubuntu at> wrote:
> Joseph Cooper wrote:
>> Thank you very much for your reply Rashkae. In that case, will the Karmic
>> beta CD not be able to do this as it uses Grub 2? That's what I'm running
>> from now, it's the only live CD I have on me as I have just moved up to
>> university and made the terrible mistake of leaving my stack of live CDs in
>> my home country! I'm going to try booting Karmic from the flash drive I just
>> formatted with USB-Creator and then burning a fresh Mint CD.
>> For future reference, is there something I did wrong that caused my MBR to
>> be overwritten? As far as I knew I wasn't touching my internal drive and was
>> entirely working with my external. But Ubiquity seems to have changed and
>> did the partitioning earlier than I expected which caught me out and
>> required me to backtrack.
> I doubt grub 2 will repair a Grub 1 installation.  It is more likely it
> will try to replace all the grub files with itself.  In theory, that
> should work fine, but I'm not familiar enough with Either Grub 2 or the
> Ubuntu GUI install to answer any of your questions.  I only suggested
> the easiest way for you to return to familiar footing.

As NoOp wisely wrote, threads ago, most of the users (like myself)
will not care to Read The .... Manual before installing Karmic with
another OS, and will certainly face panic attacks.

Please read this part of (probably outdated) Karmic Release notes:

and the Grub manual

And remember that Grub (1 Legacy) (if still working) is very easy to
recover and Grub2 not so difficult but requires a little bit of

L M Nicolosi, Eng.
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