Problem with KDE sound configuration tools

David Fox dfox94085 at
Mon Oct 12 03:14:26 UTC 2009

Here's another problem to throw out to the list before I bite the
bullet and go to Karmic.

I seem to have had a bad day. My 15 year old receiver blew itself
because of a power issue in my apartment and I have to fallback to a
set of usb powered speakers.

But so far, even though I think I have done all the right stuff in KDE
system settings, about the only app that will honor the new defaults
(USB AUDIO) will produce sound. Nothing else will. Up until now I've
been happy as a clam getting everything out to the external amp.

I've seen how it should be done - you plug in the new device and
everything goes there.

I've run into this before and managed to get it to work, with a bit of
fiddling, when I use a USB headset, I can (or last time I tried), it
was pretty simple to get it to see (like right now) the new device and
route sound to the4 new device I have installed because I installed

Am I asking too much?

That and the video problems I've been having recently are too much.
Well, I just tested dragon player and that works, but it wouldn't be
my first choice. Much of my video content comes from DVDs and  from
websites, and I'd much rather see it work automatically.

KDE system setting tool is all set to Prefer USB Audio over others. If
I remove the device, provided I have a good amp to plug into the HD
audio (not HDMI,

thanks for letting me change the magnetic patterns on your hard disk.

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