[Ubuntu Karmic Beta] Java + SeaMonkey 2.x

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 12 02:51:02 UTC 2009

Big snip
> Months ago I gave a very quick look at SeaMonkey and
> although I used
> to miss Netscape, decided to stay with old and heavy and
> reliable
> TBird plus FF, were I still can configure all (but Yahoo)
> my IMAP, POP
> and news at gmane accounts (although I find web Gmail nice to
> follow
> Ubuntu-Users). Sorry for the question, regarding SM I'm not
> even a
> newbie, but isn't SM mail entirely based on TBird?
> L.
I don't know. I just use SM browser and AttYahoo web mail to email with and never use SM mail or TB unless I get into the situation where my mail doesn't wrap at 72 per line.  I spend too much time on line and anything to minimize that is for me is good.  The format in TB and SM mail has always been hard on my eyes is another reason.  Basically it's my preference.

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net

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